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2024 End of Year Giving Recap
Dear Union Chruch,
Thank you for your generous giving in 2024. Every dollar you gave went toward supporting ministry at Union Church.
The gospel is being preached, disciples are being made, lives are being changed, and the Lord Jesus is being glorified. We have had a good and fruitful year, and our church family is growing — thank you for being a part of that.
2024 was a year of further maturation, and also new ventures. Here are a few evidences of God’s grace in the life of UC in this past year:
More people came to know, trust, and love Jesus, received his life transforming grace, and were baptized (with more to be baptized soon!).
We launched our first Women’s Bible Study last Spring, with 45 women in three groups. Our second WBS session in the fall saw 55 women in three groups. In each of these groups, not only are members connecting and growing, but outsiders and non-believers have been attending every group, getting immersed in God’s word, entering into new and healthy community.
Both of our Parked ministries continued to forge ahead. Parked on Base is reaching lots of military gals (nearly 30 on the roster), many of whom are learning the Bible for the first time, meeting Jesus, and entering into church life. Parked on Tuesdays is always full of moms and kids connecting with each other and learning the scriptures together. Our main problem at Parked, is space (big surprise, I know.)
Men’s Fellowship also continued to grow and mature. With 54 men on the roster, and 20-25 in attendance each meeting, our men are growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord, and in relationship with each other.
Lots of babies were born (with a dozen + more on the way!), and children of all ages were welcomed into our church family.
We checked in more kids than ever in Union Kids in 2024 are are now averaging 50+ each Sunday. Our kiddos have a blast playing, singing, and learning every Sunday, and with 100+ kids (and counting!) on the roster, you can expect more classroom space, love, and fun in UK.
Men & women of all ages and stages completed our 1:1 discipleship ministry, grew in their knowledge of Jesus, and were equipped to disciple others.
Our Young Adults Ministry continues to flourish. Young men and women have been baptized, discipled, and deepened in faith, and welcomed into healthy gospel community.
After months of praying, planning, and preparing, we launched our two-year Building Home Initiative late last year. The body (you) has already responded to the initiative so well - we are off to an incredibly healthy and encouraging start.
Our budget grew by 49%! That is not only fantastic, but Spirit inspired growth and generosity. Thank you for your joyful, generous, and sacrificial, giving.
The Word of God, which has always been, and always will be the foundation of UC, is being faithfully preached, sung, prayed, and celebrated every Sunday, and all throughout the week. The Gospel is central in the life of our church, and the Lord Jesus Christ is being exalted every single week
These are just a glimpse of the many evidences of God’s grace in the life of UC in 2024. As always, Jesus has been good and faithful and has provided beyond what we could have planned or hoped.
With 2025 now underway, we are continuing to look to Jesus for grace, provision, vision and guidance as we seek to build his church and make his name great.
We have two primary areas of focus for 2025.
Our first big focus for 2025 is our Building Home Initiative.
The aim of this initiative is two-fold:
Primary Goal: 100% Engagement: The first purpose of Building Home is discipleship. We want to see each person who calls Union Church Home to grow in deeper trust and gospel generosity. When a whole body is pulling in the same direction together, awesome things happen.
Secondary Goal: $2.325mm Over Two Years. This number represents our regular projected budget for 2025/26, plus an additional $1.3mm for Permanence, People, and Planting.
The second is a continued focus on “Moving To The Right.” This term captures the discipleship pathway we want to embody at UC:
Engage (pursuing meaningful relationships with outsiders)
Evangelize (sharing the gospel) 3) Establish (help believers grow and mature)
Equip (train those who are established so they can help others move down the pathway).
Equip (train those who are established so they can help others move down the pathway).
In addition to these three initiatives, here are a few specific things we are asking Jesus for, planning, and working towards this year:
More grace, salvation, life-transformation, and baptisms.
Future Elders identified and raised up.
Growth in membership.
Spirit inspired financial generosity as we look to add more staff members and expand our ministries.
A permanent space in our city that we can call home.
Continued growth and involvement in our prayer ministry, both on Sunday and throughout the week.
Publishing our own One on One Discipleship manual.
A new series through the book of Titus in February, and Philippians, beginning in March.
Continued effectiveness, health, and growth in all of our ministries.
Establishment of our Creative ministry.
Identifying and training new Union Group leaders and Launching of new groups.
Continued leadership development and empowerment for men and women.
Our Lord used you to support Union Church in 2024, and we are truly grateful for your partnership. We thank you in advance for your continued generosity and support in the Gospel work of Union Church in 2025.
Total 2024 Income: $525,066
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.””